Are you a compiler/language implementer? Intrigued by the DLR, Volta, or other Microsoft language technology? Want to find out how others are implementing languages in browsers, *nix platforms, or Java?
Yes? Great, sounds like you'll love Lang.NET! January 28-30. Microsoft Redmond Campus.
Lang.NET focuses on the things you care about; designing, implementing, and building tools around languages. We'll have talks from developers doing all sorts of language-related work, and most won't be from Microsoft employees. This is the second Lang.NET Microsoft is sponsoring, after a great turnout at the first Lang.NET in the summer of 2006. http://langnetsymposium.com has more verb-age on exactly what Lang.NET is.
The speakers and agenda are still being worked out, but I'll let you know when they are available on the website (later this week). All the information is available on the website.
Registration is still open, so please register today! (aka. send an email to langnet_at_microsoft_dot_com). Registration is closed!